Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 45...Sunday, Feb 15

Rob and Lana had us all over for supper and a Wii Party.....well, Mike and Tor could not be there, and Jim was working, but the rest of us were there - and as a bonus, Nialle and Nessa also came.

Lana made chicken noodle soup and homemade buns....Keltie brought veggies....I brought sandwich fixin's....Ness brought dessert.

8 wk old Titus and 7 month old Ada (Nialle and Nessa's little one) seemed to be quite taken with one another. Ty looks almost as big as Ada!

Emma was sad because the Wii party turned out to be a talking party.....but I left early, so maybe they played Wii after I left. Poor Em.....she was looking forward to beating her dad, uncles, and aunties at Wii.

1 comment:

Rob... said...

She did get to play. She played a game of baseball. And then we all played Scene It, which I'm sure she was happy with.