I traveled home from Drayton Valley where I had spent 2 nights and one cold day – getting Jim’s truck fixed (tranny fluid frozen).
I was almost to Wetaskiwin when Rob called – he was at the Oiler’s skills show with Andrew (In Edmonton) and had gotten a call from Lana …. She had Mastitis and had gone to the hospital with all 4 kids.
Could I go check on her?
Of course, I could – had a nice visit with Lana, cuddled Titus, cleaned up the kitchen and living room, then watched TV (R U smarter than a 5th grader) with the girls while Lana slept.
I went home to care for the dogs when Rob got home.

I admit I cheated....I did not have my camera with me this day so I used a photo of Lana and Titus from Christmas Eve.
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