Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 56.....Thursday February 26

I spent most of the day at the Muyaba's today....helping them with the last of their packing and looking after Seth when he wasn't napping.

The piano Vinjelu was given as the winner of the songwriting competition at the GMC talent search last fall has been delivered. Obviously, this is no ordinary keyboard!!!! This whole pile of huge boxes is the "keyboard". Massive!

Vinjelu is a hard worker.....he has had to do most of the moving himself since there is usually no one else available when he isn't working. Not that Kathryn hasn't worked as well....but besides helping with the packing, Vinjelu has also been taking loads of boxes to the 'new place' every day for the past week or so.

Moving must take a back seat at times, to your job. Here is Kathryn at work in her capacity as administrator for their church...

Me thinks we need a bigger bin...... An older gentleman from the church brought by 2 huge, brand new rubbermaid bins for Vinj and Kath. These toys were transfered to the larger bin.

And guess what!? No photos of Seth! How did I manage that?

But, on my way home, I was treated to the silver sliver of the new moon. The camera I carry with me could not capture it, at all so I had to wait till I got home to get my bigger camera. By then, the moon was low on the horizon and no longer silver......but I tried to capture it anyway. I don't stand quite as till as a tripod so the photo is not real sharp, but.....

Day 55...Wednesday Feb 25

I opened my door this morning to find this:

Notice that there is nearly no snow at the edge of the deck.

Well, we knew winter would come back at least once more before Spring takes over.

But did it have to get so cold, too?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 54....Tuesday, Feb 24

Poor Vinjelu, who worked at taking things to the dump and packing all afternoon yesterday then worked all night, went out to his car this morning and could not get the key to turn. He tried all the things you would normally suggest, to no avail, so....I went in to Camrose to pick him up and take him home so he could sleep before he had to find a way to get back to work tonight.

He doesn't look too upset about his car not starting.....

After I dropped him off, I went for the load of groceries that I've been putting off getting for a couple days then picked Kathryn and Seth up to give them a ride to the doctor's office.
Seth looked so cute in his hat.....

When I got home, I discovered my dogs were out of food so I just turned around and went back for dog food. (Poor planning)
I decided to post a photo of the same bales I took a picture of a couple days show how much it has snowed in the last 24 hours or so. (not alot)

And now, my hubby is on his way home for the night.....must go rustle up a "man's meal" for him. LOL

Day 53 Monday, Feb 23

My photos today were taken during my morning drive home from Rocky.

Between Rocky and Rimbey, the forests were covered in a thin, sparkly frost. Not the heavy hoar frost of a week or so ago, but a thin coating that made the trees look bright white against the dull grey of the overcast sky.

The mild temperatures of the last few weeks may be pleasant, but when the temperatures drop enough to dress the trees.....well, it is almost worth having to bundle up a bit more.

Closer to home, the sun was shining and the trees were naked again.

Along the final 3 miles, I found some trees who were still hanging onto a few of their leaves from last summer......

I always love the contrast of the white bark on these poplars (?) against the dark green of the evergreens.

And finally, a fence post, leaning into the ditch. No animals are kept in the field behind this fence, so I doubt the farmer will be straightening the post this spring.

Day 52....Sunday, February 22

I took my camera outside with me when I took the garbage out this morning. I tried to capture the light frost on the tall grass in the yard....

Not too successfuly, I'll admit.

Vinj and Kath brought out a load of things they are storing in our barn for now, and Daniel brought out some of his bigger belongings in preparation to moving back home for March before he goes to Montana for his DTS.

The first thing Daniel always does (after saying hello to his dog) is pick up his dad's guitar.

Vinjelu came in after unloading the truck and made himself 'comfortable' in Seth's car seat....

Seth discovered that he could open the oven door on our wood stove. There he found baking pans which made good toys.

I left at about 3 pm to drive to Rocky Mountain House to spend the night with my man.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 51...Saturday Feb 21

Again, my photos today were taken along the road on which I was travelling.....Verdun Road....I went into Camrose for a few groceries.

Day 50....Friday, Feb 20

I drove out to Rocky Mountain House to make supper for Jim and spend an hour or so with him.

My photos for today were taken during my trip.

This is taken just past the corner of Hwy 611 and 822....along 822.

The sun was beginning to set as I drove West on Hwy 12 just past Gull Lake.

I promise there was no editing done to this photo.
I tried to get a photo of the mountains on the horizon, but the light was too low.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 49 ....February 19....Thursday

I started the day with Seth at my house.

He is such a happy boy, he will be jabbering away then suddenly start to laugh - he must be telling himself jokes! long as I stay in the same room

Looking out the window - although he preferred to look at the photos I have lined up on the sill.

Seth loves to carry things that are big, on the heavy side, or long and awkward (like a broom). He carried this big truck from one side of the living room to the other and even managed to lift it high enough to get it onto the couch.

I like how you can see his right foot in the air in this photo. Caught him mid step.

I took Seth home about 4:30 and on my way back home, I decided to take a couple photos of the oh-so-familiar area through which we drive when we travel to and from Wetaskiwin.

One of the neat things about the winter landscape is all the snowmobile tracks crisscrossing through the fields.

The Haultain Road bridge. Actually, it is more familiarly known as "The Blue Bridge". On closer inspection, however, you will note that it is only half blue. LOL.

If you were to travel on the road that is a few miles south, you would also cross a Blue Bridge so calling this bridge by that name assumes that everyone knows which road you are on.

Obviously, I am not sticking to one photo a day.....

Day 48 - Wednesday Feb 18

Seth has been pretty sick with a respiratory virus and has consequently been quite fussy - crying lots. Kathryn was getting pretty tired with having to deal with this issue on top of her job, moving, and being sick all the time herself. So, I took Seth home with me tonight after a visit with Kathryn.

Saying goodbye to would be a long time (in Seth's world) before he'd see here again.

Playing with Gramma. Such brown eyes.

He wanted to play with my hands alot.....and my face.....he was especially fascinated with my fingernails.....

Such concentration.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 47...Tuesday, Feb 17

A special any day with a precious friend is special.

We realized that while I have some photos of Arlene (very few) and she has even fewer of me, we have no photos of us together (except one from my birthday this past year) so we roped Joshua into being behind the camera for a BBF photo shoot.

Levi was going to Tai Kwon Do as soon as I left.....does this cute guy look like a martial arts expert to you? I know, it's that cute is deceptive. Really, those hands (and feet) should be registered as weapons!
I'm not sure what Joshua was doing hanging off the railing, but that is where he was when I turned around to take a candid shot of his smile.

Anyway, spending the afternoon just hangin' with someone who knows you well and loves you anyway is much better than cleaning house or paying bills, I say.

Day 46 Monday, February 16

I focused on housework evidenced by the newly vacuumed floor:

I also spent time reading (and finishing) my book:

Later, I went out to take a photo of the sunset and decided to also document the rock hard drift around the picnic table.

And finally, a pretty sunset again this evening....the days are noticably getting longer.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 45...Sunday, Feb 15

Rob and Lana had us all over for supper and a Wii Party.....well, Mike and Tor could not be there, and Jim was working, but the rest of us were there - and as a bonus, Nialle and Nessa also came.

Lana made chicken noodle soup and homemade buns....Keltie brought veggies....I brought sandwich fixin's....Ness brought dessert.

8 wk old Titus and 7 month old Ada (Nialle and Nessa's little one) seemed to be quite taken with one another. Ty looks almost as big as Ada!

Emma was sad because the Wii party turned out to be a talking party.....but I left early, so maybe they played Wii after I left. Poor Em.....she was looking forward to beating her dad, uncles, and aunties at Wii.

Day 44....Feb 14, Saturday

The girls stayed overnight last night....we had a fun day.

After lunch, we played Outburst Junior which dissolved into a giggle fest and silliness.

The dogs love having the girls here because the girls like having them in the house and then they pay all kinds of attention to them.

Sophia thought Riley needed Emma's blanket in order to have a real good sleep.

Day 43 - Friday Feb 13

I awoke this morning to a world of icy splendor…each blade of grass covered with white sparkly crystals….the bare branches of the bushes and trees clothed in thick, white frost.

Beautiful, even though it heralded colder temperatures than we’ve been having.

I love hoar frost.