First, she had a pre-natal checkup....I supervised Seth while he played with the 'balls on the twisted wires' toys in the waiting room.

New baby seems to be doing well, is a little on the small size, but the doc says "no worries".
After putting Seth down for his nap, Kathryn dyed my has been needing a color for several weeks now, but I just couldn't bring myself to pay the exorbitant amount the salon charges anymore and Kathryn hasn't been available, what with moving and performing in Calgary.

While my dye was setting, I applied dye to Kathryn's hair, although I am not as proficient as she. She supervised by watching my every move in the mirror. Vinjelu asked her to make herself into a blonde! We were both sure it would not look good, but......she also bought a brown dye so she could re-dye it after he saw it.
Here she is with a bag on her head, letting the bleach do its work.

During this time, she applied highlights to my hair then gave me a trim.
Andrew showed up just as we were finishing up, then Daniel appeared - he misses Seth alot.

We decided to all go out for supper (Kath doesn't feel free yet, to take over the kitchen in her shared house in order to feed all of us)
First, a photo to send to Vinjelu at work so he can see what he asked for:

After supper, we stopped and she bought a 'toner' to hopefully remove some of the orange color.
And here is a shot of my finished look - a bit redder than I wanted (only because red tends to fade to orange) and the lighting isn't real good, but oh so much nicer than it was!

Here is Seth in the restaurant, smiling at his Uncle Andrew:

On my way home, I was startled by the enormous orange moon just rising above the horizon. By the time I could pull over at a place where trees were not obstructing the view, it had risen high enough that it was not quite so large....still orange, though.

You look beautiful, Auntie K!
So, did Kath decide to keep the blonde? It looks cute!
Thanks, Jan....I really like my hair color and highlights (although they are kind of hiding).
Don't know about Kath...haven't talked to her yet today
Oh tied a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree, its been three long years, do you still love me. If I don't see a ribbon 'round the old oak tree, I'll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me...If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree.
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