The last day of the month......of course, if you are moving - or helping someone move - this is a busy day.
Some wonderful people came by Vinjelu and Kathryn's old home to help clean it for new tenants today........
Lisa F not only brought her vacuum cleaner, she vacuumed in preparation for the Carpet Cleaners.
Lisa's girls, Anna and Esther were a big help - they spot cleaned walls, wiped out cupboards, helped with the bathroom, and babysat Kaden
Desire A.....A cleaning machine! Not the most flattering shot, but the only one I took.
Victoria decides that Andrew's face needs to be washed along with everything else.
Even the hardest workers need a coffee (or cookie) break
Later, Andrew, Victoria, Daniel, Kaden and I took a break and went to BP's for some lunch.
It is lovely to know that there are people who care about you enough to use their Saturday to clean and move for you.....Thanks to everyone for their help!
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