Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 89....Tuesday, March 31

We spent the afternoon following Daniel around as he got himself ready to leave home for 5 months.......

Jim is still getting phone calls regarding work.....

One of the things Daniel took care of today was washing his bedding - at the laundrymat.

He also bought some new clothes, school supplies, a bigger memory card for his camera, and we purchased travel insurance.

Day 88. Monday, March 30

Doing something a little different today.......

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 87. Sunday, march 29....Goodbye Daniel Party

Lots of photos today....lots going on.

We had a family gathering today so that we had one day with everyone together before Danny leaves for 5 months.

Kathryn and Seth stayed overnight the night before, so they were the first to 'arrive'.

Andrew was next, bringing a quad with him to have fun with.......but it didn't work.

So, the boys played "Guitar Hero" instead.....

Enough of that.....Andrew and Jim try to figure out what is wrong with the 600 snowmachine. Conclusion: bad fuel.

While they are working on the sled, Rob, Lana, and the kids arrive......

Ty was all dressed up for church and did not change before coming out to the farm.

The Ritchies were the next to arrive......these photos were taken while we were all just visiting - well, mostly giving Daniel a hard time.

Michael, Victoria, and Kaden arrive, now everyone is here!

Kissing Cousins......

Time for supper.....the girls all help in one way or another......

The little girls and Auntie Kathryn watched a movie in Gramma and Grampa's bedroom - after the little girls had played outside for a couple hours, at least.

Poor Jim was SO tired......he is just beginning to recouperate after working so many long days in a row - coupled with having been on night shift for the previous 10 days. But he enjoyed having his grandbabies and children around him while he tried to stay awake.
Supper time........

After supper, when there was just Mike and Tor left, the five of us played a game called "Things". It was fun and there were a few hilarious moments.
Just before Mike and Tor went home, Mike challenged Daniel to a crokinole game or two.

Kathryn and Seth stayed overnight again since Vinj was at work all night. Here is Seth getting his nighttime 'meds'. He takes it very well.

A good day - except that I felt sick and Jim was very tired.....but our only chance to have a 'family day' before Dan is gone. Next gathering will be without Danny. Hope it is soon, though.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 86. Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vinjelu brought Kathryn and Seth to spend the night with us since he was working tonight and then they all wanted to be here tomorrow anyway.

Here is Seth's evening.......

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 85. Friday. March 27

My husband is home.

He is pretty worn out after working almost every day since January 2.

I am so ready to have him with me all the time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 84....Thursday March 26

The important part of today started when I recieved a text message from Vinjelu and Kathryn:

"We r having a girl! She resembles seth alot, only more dainty. Shes a princess!"

I was so excited! It's been 6 years since we had a baby girl around. Almost immediately, I went and brought out the dress I bought in England last year - just because I liked it so much - for the next girl that was born.

After I finished my errands in town, I went over to Rob and Lana's to see the kids and to wait for Vinj and Kath to get home and show us the ultra sound images of their baby girl.

Ty was all dressed up in his Daddy's T shirt. It says "I'm a nice kid...Too bad I leak".

Seth was staying with Auntie Lana and the girls while his parents were gone. He was a good boy and helped with the chores......

Seth LOVES Lizzy!

Vinjelu and Kathryn were very excited about getting a daughter. They came home with a pile of little summer-y dresses in several sizes (they are able to ship things ahead to Zambia next month for free....thanks to the Poultnoy Foundation of Stony Plain)

And here she is......our next grand-daughter......(no name yet).....

Day 83....Wednesday March 25

I didn't sleep well last night and was up for an hour or so very early this morning - early enough to see the sun rise just before I went back to bed.

My main activity for the day was to visit with Mike and Victoria...and of course, Kaden. I traveled to their house for lunch then we took Kaden to.....

Where he went on a roller coaster ride/game with Daddy......

Drove a race car......

He was racing against Mommy......

He also took Chuck E Cheese for a drive.......

He rode a horse in a steeplechase.....(Daddy 'steered').......

Kaden and Gramma watched Mommy and Daddy play Air Hockey.......(Daddy won)....

After all this activitiy, we went back home so Kaden could have a sleep. Mike, Tor, and I visited and watched some of their home videos. Their video camera sure takes good movies! Of course, someone needs to tell the cameraman (woman) not to pan so fast. LOL

Kaden got up from his nap and enjoyed watching himself up on the wall.

Giving Daddy a kiss......

After the movies, we packed into the car again to go out for supper.....

It is always a good day when I get to spend it with my kids/grandkids!