Daniel had stayed at our house Saturday night in order to take care of the dogs. He got up when we came in and had something to eat before he went outside to work on the root cellar......

I chose to finish harvesting the root vegetables in the garden......I had already pulled up all the beets a couple days ago.
The Rutabagas included some giants!
The first thing Jim did when we got home was to hook up the trailer and go into town to pick up our dog pen which Andrew had been using. He won't be putting his dogs outside all day over the winter, so we reclaimed it........

Jim's next priority was to figure out what was wrong with his truck's turbo (which was just replaced last summer).....

Dan went to work building a door covering for the bottom of the cellar stairs.......

AhHa! Here's the problem......the hose has a hole in it! An easy fix, fortunately.....

By this time, I had stored the beets in layers of peat moss in the cellar, pulled all the rutabagas, and the carrots......
There weren't as many carrots as we had hoped, but what there is are nice and straight......

I stored the rutabagas and carrots in the same manner as the beets and I pulled all the frozen squash and tomatoe plants. The other day I had taken all the onions and cabbage out when I pulled the beets so all that is left are the broccoli and brussels sprouts. Well, I cut all the broccoli that was ready....these plants apparently benefit from several hard frosts so I'll not be harvesting them quite yet.
The problem with his truck diagnosed, Jim set to work tearing down the old dog pen......

Daniel completed the bottom of the stairs door and then rushed off to work in Edmonton.......

Jim set up the new pen walls.....

The dogs are a little uncertain about this.......I think they can smell Andrew's dogs on the walls - they are not too comfortable in there, yet.
But it looks much better than the old pen, that is for sure.
Jim finished up our busy day by hanging the door on the garage......hopefully, the pigeons were not at home at the time and they will go find somewhere else to build a nest.
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