My enjoyment of them, however, put me a little behind in leaving for the baby shower. Like an hour behind, at least.
I was so blessed when I arrived at the church to find that Judy and Sherry had already made coffee and set up the dining room for the event. I still had to rush around a little, since I'd run out of the house without makeup and wearing everyday clothing. Judy ran to Safeway for me to get some flowers for the table and soon, ladies began to arrive bearing gifts and food.
What a blessing to see so many women come to honor my daughter and welcome my grandbaby into the world! Most of the guests were ladies from the church - plus Kathryn's sisters, her grandma, Auntie Mel, and cousins Jessica and Suzanne.
The selection of food showed love and care for Kathryn.....
Kath was overwhelmed by the number of gifts brought for her baby girl......
Many of those bags were packed FULL of lovely things!

Taliah, being the guest of honor, was on her best behavior for most of the afternoon....

Titus was the only male who stayed for the shower.....his Uncle Dan had been there for a little while, before we got started......Ty was a good boy - as long as his mommy kept him with her. I held him for about 20 minutes when Lana went back home for some pens - that boy is heavy! I ended up having to pass him over to Uncle Dan before Lana got back.

There were many truly beautiful gifts - most in the sizes we had requested.

Jessica painted letters to spell Taliah's name....Kath loved the personal nature of this lovely gift.

When the ladies began to filter out, Judy and Sherry again were invaluable as they and a few others began to clean up and put everything back in order.
The shower was a success - thanks to people who love my daughter.
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