Since he is leaving for work tomorrow, Jim spent some of the day on the phone working. The rest of the day he spent hanging doors.......

The inside of the hall closet holds our 'medicine cabinet'. Of course, it had to be emptied so the door could come off and the new door put on.......
During a break, we went out to the garden - here is one of the few cabbages the dogs haven't eaten.......
The Brussels Sprouts are coming along quite nicely....

.....and the Broccoli is nearly ready to be eaten.....

Our view has changed much over the last couple months. This is the south view today......

And the west view.....

I think the new Pantry door is cute.....

Although the new doors emphasize the need for new paint on the walls, they make a tremendous improvement to our home.
1 comment:
hey mom vinj and I could come over and pain for you, or with you.
Yeah for new pantry doors! Wow love it!
And your veggies are looking amazing, epecially the brussel sprouts
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