Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 238 ~ Tuesday, September 8

Our days normally start out in the computer room - checking our mail and the news. Andrew came by for a few minutes on a break from work (he's working nearby) while we were still at our desks. I will miss him when he begins working somewhere else - his last two jobs have been near enough that he can come over for lunch or whatever

Melanie and Ken came over at supper time (well, our supper time). They brought with them the doors Ken had bought and painted for us - quite some time ago, actually. LOL.

I had made a deal with him - the doors for the nice bedding I bought for the spare room but then didn't like in there. The bedding was a surprise for Melanie because she loved it. We had a good visit with them - something we should really do more often - and when they left, we had a housefull of doors

Daniel had been to Camrose to inquire about a GED preparation class. He came to the conclusion that he could just get the book and study on his own.

He ended his day at 'his' computer where he was either talking to people on the other side of the world, facebooking, playing a game, learning French, or playing his guitar. This photo has him looking at iTunes, I think.

One of our other activities of the day was to update Jim's resume` - including a new photo showing his 'new' look. This is a photo I took specifically for the resume` - but it turned out rather grainy so we just went with a photo from the first day we saw him sans mustache

This is the one he used.....

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