Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 258 Monday Sept 28

It has been more than 2 months since 'the girls' and I met for Bible Study. It was good to get back 'to it'.

We talked about 1 Cor ch 7 - but we had to stop before we were through with the chapter...there was just so much to talk about in that portion of scripture!

Melanie and Suzanne cuddled on the love seat while we waited for everyone to arrive...

After we wrapped up, we visited casually for about half an hour - Ada came and sat on Kathryn's lap to read a book. Guess she thought Seth looked comfy there.

Taliah is growing very fast!

Liam came in sporting a new 'cool' hat that his Uncle Joshua bought for him. Doesn't he look cute?

Seth thought he needed a hat, too - so he grabbed Sophia's bike helmet.

I am already looking forward to our next meeting! Two weeks from today, Ladies!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 257 - Sunday, September 27

28 years ago today, our lives were blessed by the birth of our 2nd son...Michael Cameron. (To read my tribute to him, go to this link) The family gathered at Mike and Victoria's home to honor him and to celebrate.

Of course, some of my favorite subjects for photos are my grandbabies....

James Titus (aka Ty) is the epitome of cute little boy baby:

These are Victoria's 4 yr old twin brothers....Luke on the left and Joshua on the right. They are typical little boys - delightful.

My oldest grandbaby is not much of a baby anymore....she is growing up so fast - becoming prettier every day, it seems....

Elizabeth - whose newest nickname, bestowed by Seth, is "Bif" - makes a beautiful subject for photos:

Supper time, and some of the kids got their 'own' table.....Kaden was delighted to eat with his older cousins.

Mmmm.....Spaghetti and meat sauce.

Michael wisely removed Kaden's clothing before giving him a plate of spaghetti.
Kaden knows how to 'say cheese' for the camera - whether you ask him to or not.

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Michael....Happy Birthday to you......

Many of the gifts were wrapped in paper adorned with Santas, reigndeer, and SNOWFLAKES. We warned Victoria that if it snows in the next few days - we're blaming HER!

This could be the last photo of Ava inutero.....

I'm sure Victoria hopes so.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 256 Saturday, Sept 26

This is the day we harvested our potatoe crop - or most of it, anyway.

Rob and Lana, their girls, Daniel, Vinj and Kath and I worked from 10 a.m. till about 3 p.m to dig 6 1/2 rows of about 50 hills/row.

The potatoes are beautiful! Not a single one with 'scabs' or blemishes of any sort.

The potatoes started out in this same tractor bucket, as cut up seed potatoes. This is but one row of harvested tubers:

To see a photo of the seed potatoes in the tractor bucket, go to this post.

Daniel did a great job cleaning up the cellar in preparation for storing our harvest:

Just compare this photo with the one from yesterday!

Day 255 - Friday, September 25

I went to town today to buy a couple potatoe forks (got the wrong kind of fork, though), some shovels, and some plastic crates. On the way to town, I decided to make note of how many of the sloughs of the area are now nothing but dry ground, surrounded by forlorn water plants.

Evidence that we are experiencing a drought.

Daniel's task for today, regarding the root cellar, was to clean out all the dried up vegetables and get the junk out of it. He also leveled the floor and completely cleaned the steps, making the following scene a distant memory.

Friday, September 25, 2009

DAy 254 - Thursday Sept 24

A busy day.....lining up boxes, crates, potatoe forks and shovels for the 'big harvest' planned for Saturday.

Lana was feeling quite poorly today and by the end of the day was ready for Rob to come home and relieve her. BUT he wasn't coming home! He was going to Edmonton to get the couches Mike and Victoria were giving them since they, themselves had purchased new seating for their family room. Rob had to go pick them up today so that they could get their new couches in.

SO.....I went over to give Lana a little break. I folded some laundry for her, with Ty's help, as you can see by the diapers behind him instead of inside the basket.....

The little girls each pulled a carrot from their tiny back door garden to eat with their supper hot dogs......

Emma has gotten to the age where she likes to make faces for the camera.....

Rob arrived home, with Andrew coming closely behind, at shortly after 7 p.m. They wasted no time in getting the two couches in the house and down the basement where the TV was needing some comfortable seating.

They didn't dawdle because the Oilers' game was on TV and had already begun!

Mercy Me! You don't want to miss a minute of the exhibition hockey game! :D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 253 - Wednesday, September 23

The 8th day Dan has worked on the root cellar. It is nearly done....at least structurally. Still needs Tyvek, shingles, mouse protection, siding, a doorknob of some sort, and it needs to be cleaned out.

Before Saturday morning.

But....I think he has done a very good job. I just hope he can finish up before we have potatoes dug to put into it.

I spent the afternoon in Red Deer - I went to pick 'something' up from Mom and Dad's place. I managed to keep my visit to 1 1/2 hours. A big accomplishment for me!

Day 252 - Tuesday, Sept 22

Day 7 of working on the root cellar.

I'm not real sure what Dan did today beyond building up one side wall in order to put a slanted roof on. He said he did other things, but I forget what they were.

Scott drove by on his motorbike and stopped in for a quick hello.

All the work Dan did when I was outside was on top of the walls.

After supper time, I went over to the Ritchie's to wish my BIL a happy birthday.

I forgot to ask him how old he is....but he is older than Melanie and younger than me - I know that. We had a private party - just Mel, Scott, and me - but he recieved a couple phone calls wishing him a happy day.
I am thankful Ken is my brother.

Monday, September 21, 2009

DAy 251...Monday, Sept 21

I did not sleep well last night - therefore, I was still in bed when Jim texted me to ask my plans for the day.

I did not accomplish all I had thought of doing - but I did enjoy the quietness of having a day all to myself after the busy weekend just past.

I did get some bookkeeping done, caught up on this blog, edited some photos, bought some shingles for Dan's project, posted on my other blog, tidied my house, and caught up on reading other people's blogs. Not a real active day, I know - but, as I said....I wanted some peace and quiet without alot of rushing around.

Since there was nothing happening, I did not have anything to really take a photo OF - except for the progress Daniel had made to the root cellar on Saturday.....This is the work from day 5 of the construction. The sheeting is up but not trimmed.

Dan is coming out tomorrow to (hopefully) complete this project and (maybe) start on his next project - which is the dog house.

Day 250 - Sunday, September 20

It was nice to start my day with the Muyaba's in my home...

My enjoyment of them, however, put me a little behind in leaving for the baby shower. Like an hour behind, at least.

I was so blessed when I arrived at the church to find that Judy and Sherry had already made coffee and set up the dining room for the event. I still had to rush around a little, since I'd run out of the house without makeup and wearing everyday clothing. Judy ran to Safeway for me to get some flowers for the table and soon, ladies began to arrive bearing gifts and food.

What a blessing to see so many women come to honor my daughter and welcome my grandbaby into the world! Most of the guests were ladies from the church - plus Kathryn's sisters, her grandma, Auntie Mel, and cousins Jessica and Suzanne.

The selection of food showed love and care for Kathryn.....

Kath was overwhelmed by the number of gifts brought for her baby girl......

Many of those bags were packed FULL of lovely things!

Taliah, being the guest of honor, was on her best behavior for most of the afternoon....

Titus was the only male who stayed for the shower.....his Uncle Dan had been there for a little while, before we got started......Ty was a good boy - as long as his mommy kept him with her. I held him for about 20 minutes when Lana went back home for some pens - that boy is heavy! I ended up having to pass him over to Uncle Dan before Lana got back.

There were many truly beautiful gifts - most in the sizes we had requested.

Jessica painted letters to spell Taliah's name....Kath loved the personal nature of this lovely gift.

When the ladies began to filter out, Judy and Sherry again were invaluable as they and a few others began to clean up and put everything back in order.
The shower was a success - thanks to people who love my daughter.