We left the house at 8 a.m. and turned around to get the car instead of the truck because the temperature gage on the truck was indicating that the motor was overheating. This would have been very inconvenient since we had committed to bring Daniel's friend Katie and her mom to Alberta to visit friends. We would not all fit in the car. However, the needle started to bounce around and Jim prayed and asked God what we should do (we had already turned around) . God replied "GO" so we went. The needle on the gage soon settled down to normal and never moved from there again. We did, however, make an appointment for the truck as soon as we got home to have the thermostat changed and to flush the heating system. Jim figures the thermostat was sticking.
The rest of our trip was fairly uneventful. We had a beautiful day for travelling - all sunshine and heat.
This is the view as we leave Calgary going south on HWY 2. This is the point I feel like we are really 'on our way'......

A photo of the Alberta horizon south of Calgary.....

Cardston is the last Canadian town on the road we take. The Mormon Temple dominates the skyline of this small town.
Right outside of Cardston, we can see Mt. Piegan, which marks the border....
In all the times we have crossed the border at Carway/Mt Piegan, we have never had more than 2 vehicles in front of us. That streak was broken today when we could count 14 vehicles in front. Surprisingly, we had only a half hour wait before we were officially in the USA.

This is one of the most often photographed scenes in my photo albums........St. Mary's Lake, Montana.

We drive over 3 mountain passes before we reach Browning, MT. The trees on these mountains have suffered from the attack of the Pine Beetle. The gov't has burned the forests out in an effort to rid them of this destructive pest. In June when I was through, I was fascinated by the fact that the black tree trunks had been bleached mostly white. However, I was driving then so I could not take photos of them. I made up for it this trip.
This photo of bleached trees also includes a little mountain lake that we would not have seen if the trees had not been burned out.

The road over the passes is very narrow and winding - as evidenced by this speed sign....

I love the scenery on this drive.....
And at the end of the 9 hour trip.......our youngest son, Daniel, looking very good......

We went for supper together at the Tamarack Brewery just down the road from the base. We ate on the patio, beside a pretty creek with an interesting tree growing by it.

It was good to finally hear about Dan's experiences.....
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