Oh! Didn't you know they had moved? I'm not surprised.....it was pretty quick - they began to actually move within 3 hours of being approved at the apartment - on Monday.
I used Kath's baby carrier thingy (Lana has one too) to carry Taliah around while I worked. I wish I had had something like this when I had babies! What a great invention!

Here is a photo of the living room from the kitchen. It is not big, but it also does not seem cramped.

And, the kitchen/living room from the front (back?) door.....

One of the best things about this apartment - their own laundry room with brand new machines!

We gave Seth the big bottom drawer for his toy box.

The kids' room.....you can see Seth's new toddler bed in the corner..... there is room for a double bed, the change table, and a cupboard type storage closet they have - and still enough floor space for Seth to play...

Back at home, and after supper, I took out my 'Hutchy's Cookin Book' to get some ideas for the meals I am responsible for at our campout.......I was very sad to discover that most of the pages are damaged to some extent due to water leaking through the ceiling......I pulled the still wet pages out and layed them across the table to dry. About half the pages, although damaged, are no longer wet.
So glad they got the apartment and it looks like set up of everything went well :) I'm sure having their own space is going to be so nice for them. And a very big YEAH for the laundry room, especially since the dryer at the house had stopped working. Wish I was there to help still! Love you all!
~ Trisha
awww, your cook book got wet!
good thing you saved it though!
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