Need I say more?

Sophia Rose.....6 years old today.....dressed like a pink flower.

A yummy birthday cake...looking somewhat like a flower, as well.
Sophia's family came to celebrate with her. We are so glad she is part of our family!

Uncle Andrew and Cousin Kaden....Uncle Andrew must have worn a hat all day.

Sophie's baby brother, Titus having a chat with his Gramma Berg.

Cousin Seth....dressed as a flower

Sophia's cousins, Seth and Kaden......going on an adventure together. Kaden has just started walking!

Uncle Michael and Auntie Victoria

Little Bro, Ty
Kaden, again
Auntie Kathryn and Seth
We missed the Grampas - Grampa Hutch was sick and Grampa Berg had to work.
We also missed Uncle Dan, Auntie Keltie, and Jessica's man, Brock (he was sick too). It would have been our first chance to really meet him.
Item of note: FOUR of Sophie's gifts came in SUPERMAN gift bags! LOL....not your normal choice for a 6 year old girl, but Sophia LOVES superman!
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