Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 111...Wednesday, April 22

Jim and I (and Andrew) accompanied Vinjelu and Kathryn to Edmonton where they went to the 3D Ultrasound again. The first time they went, they were unable to get any real clear shots of Baby's face because of her position. They were given another appointment for no extra cost.

The office is in the LaMarchand Mansion, just off Jasper Ave. This building was the first apartment building in Western Canada, built in 1905. The craftsmanship is truly beautiful.....

Seth and Papa played in the waiting room while the rest of us went in and looked at pictures of our newest little girl on a big screen TV.

Andrew and Jim wait in the front foyer.......

The Muyaba's meet us downstairs, with photos of Baby in hand......

By this time, we were all hungry, so we called Mike and Victoria to meet us at "Montana's" for supper.
Seth and Kaden were happy to see each other, and they shared the crayons .....

Here is Seth waving goodbye.......

Uncle Andrew and Mommy read Kaden his favorite story.....(he likes the drumming part)

1 comment:

Jan said...

Did they go to UC Baby? I think it is in the mansion....we went there (In Calgary) when we were pregnant with Levi. It was so neat to see such a "real" picture of our baby! Its so nice that you were able to go and experience that with them!