Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 144....Monday, May 25

A full day, beginning with meeting with my girls at Victoria's mom's house for a Bible Study. The Miquelon's back yard is FULL of fun things for kids to do!

We had a good time, looking at the Word and discussing how to apply it to our lives.

Back at home, Jim began to water the potatoes since the ground is extremely dry.
Andrew came out for a visit, as well.

Thor loves to play 'fetch' with his ball - which is left at our house for when he visits. He is so funny - he just brings it to Andrew, drops it at his feet, and then stares at the ball until Andrew picks it up and throws it. The ball is that tiny white thing in front of Andrew's foot.

Andrew's other dog found 4 baby skunks.....Andrew took this photo for me - it is not great because he did not want to get too close - for obvious reasons.

We did not want to have a family of skunks living in our field, so Andrew volunteered to take care of the problem. He suited up in his chemical suit before going out to their den.

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