We started the day by inviting anyone who could to join us at Smitty's for brunch.
Rob and Lana, Vinj and Kath were the only ones free....

While we were eating, Andrew put out a call for help - his water pump had broken and he needed a ride to Camrose to get a new one then back to work to fix his truck. Jim and I answered the call, after we ate. We needed to go to Camrose as well, to get an oil filter for Jim's truck since CT at Wetaskiwin did not have one in stock.

Later in the day, as we were pondering Jim's 'office in a truck' problems, we wondered if Mike and Tor's old trailer would work for Jim as a 'pull behind' office so we drove out to Coal Lake to take a look - and to have a quick visit with Mike, Tor, and Kaden.
Kaden was really too busy walking around to visit much, but we enjoyed watching him explore his little world.
I forgot to pull out my camera until we were driving away so the only photo I have is of the lake.

As we were driving home, Jim suddenly skidded to a stop, gravel flying everywhere. He pointed out a large Grey Heron in the pond on the left. The bird stood silently while the truck sped by, sprayed gravel all over, sat idling while I got my camera and climbed out. Then, as I carefully walked as silently as possible over to the other side of the truck, he flew off.....
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