Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 204 - Friday, July 24

Random photos from our yard......

The south west view....


And, some of the first fruits from my patio tomatoe plants......

Day 203...Thursday, July 23

Taliah's first her daddy's soccer game.

It was quite hot and sunny, so whoever was holding Taliah sat under my colorful big umbrella.

Andrew also came to watch Vinj play in his last game of the season.

Seth surprised me by handling this big bottle of water all by himself - he didn't even spill any on himself!

My turn to hold the little peanut....and sit under the shade.

This last game of the season was very exciting! These 2 teams had beaten all the others to come together to battle for the trophy and the honor of first place.

Vinjelu's team outplayed the other team, for sure - even to our untrained eyes. The game went into overtime....sudden death overtime. It was sad to see the other team make a goal after Vinj's team played so hard. BUT at least it was a good goal.....not made because of error or a bad call....a good, clean goal.

Andrew finally managed to get Taliah from me after the sun was down enough that he didn't need the umbrella.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 202 ~ Wednesday, July 22

Spent a hot, sweaty afternoon at Vinj and Kath's.....Taliah is doing great - she even slept for 3 and 4 hour stretches last night!

I was Trisha's birthday today and she spent the majority of her day taking care of Kathryn and Vinj and Seth.....prepping meals (mostly pre-made, thanks to 'the girls') and doing dishes. She and I (and Seth) also made a trip to WalMart to pick up a couple things for Kathryn.

We ordered take out from Boston Pizza (because it was too hot in the house to cook) and I picked up a couple Treatzza Pizzas from DQ as 'cake'. We sang Happy Birthday and she opened a couple cards.....then, she began to clean up from supper. I tried to help enough that she didn't have much to do.

We so appreciate Trisha's gift of her time (and the cost of getting here from Ontario) to Vinj and Kath. She is a great help to them at this time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 201 - Tuesday, July 21

We had a birthday party for Jim at Vinj and Kathryn's house after Jim was finished work for the day.

Jim's birthday supper.....

Cuddles with Seth.....

Opening presents.....

Oh, he likes it!

Visiting with Kathryn....

visiting with Talia......

Visiting with Michael.....

The other kids were there, too.....just no photos of them with their dad.

Day 200 Monday, July 20

Taliah and her family - day one after birth day

All dressed up in a dress that was her mommy's

Big brother Seth was quite affectionate this afternoon....

Jessica and Donny came to meet Taliah and bring Mommy a gift.....

Taliah comes home.......Trisha had cleaned the house and decorated the outside of the house...

Uncle Mike and Auntie Tor came to meet Taliah....

and of course, Kaden gave his cousin a kiss......

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 199 ~ Sunday, July 19

TALIAH HOPE MUYABA is born at 2:24 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and measured 19.5 inches.

Taliah's birth was a testiment to God's love......there were several prayers answered:

1. Kath prayed that her water would break at home so that she would KNOW that it was time to go to the hospital......she'd been having regular contractions daily for a couple weeks, so being sure about whether or not they were 'real' was an issue for her.

Her water broke at about 2 a.m. Sunday morning.

2. Kathryn prayed that she would be going through labor during the day - and that it would be a sunny day. She thought that would make things so much easier.

Her labor pains started at about 6:30 a.m. Taliah was born at 2:24 p.m. on a hot, sunny day.

3. Kathryn prayed that she would be able to give birth without having an epidural.

At 12:30 pm, the nurse told Kath the doctor wanted to examine her......if she hadn't progressed past the 4 cm she was at last time he checked, he wanted to 'augment' (medically speed up the contractions) and would want her to have an epidural to help her cope with the sudden onslaught of hard labor. The reason for speeding things up was that her water had broken almost 12 hours before and they want the baby born before 24 hrs is up due to risk of infection.

I sent a text to Jim and to Melanie, asking them to pray for fast progression and no need of an epidural.

At 1:30 pm I sent a text to Jim telling him the doctor had ordered the epidural and as soon as it was administered, they would begin the induction - his exam had shown that dilation was about the same as earlier in the day.

We did not see much of the nurses and nothing of the doctor for the next 45 minutes or so - until the epidural doctor came in just as Kathryn was telling the nurse "I think I need to push". Three push pains later, Taliah was born.

Boy, did she fool the experts!!!

And Kathryn gave birth without the epidural, with a mere 50 minutes or so of hard labor - which was about what she would have endured if she'd been induced.


For more photos of Taliah just after she was born, click on this link to my facebook album.

The nurses delivered Taliah - there was no time to run for the doctor. They did a great job, since she had already 'crowned' before they even knew Kath was fully dilated.

However, this experience just solidified my negative opinions about the 'epidural' and the regularity of administering it. I might write a post about my opinions, just to get it off my chest.

Day 198 ~ Saturday, July 18

Elizabeth turned 8 yesterday....same birthday as Scott.....but we celebrated by spending the afternoon at Buffalo Lake.

Jim was finished work before noon so he was able to be there, as well.

Here is Liz's reaction to getting an Ipod shuffle from her parents.....

Lizzie designed and helped decorate the cake......

Day 197 ~ Friday, July 17

Since Jim's job is less than an hour away, he is able to be home in the evenings. YAY.

This evening, we went to Ritchie's to help celebrate Scott's 17th birthday.

Here's another peek at Jim's 'new look'.....

Grampa and Gramma Hutch came out to celebrate with Scotty.....

Ken cooked burgers for everyone......

And finally, a different kind of shot of the birthday boy......

Day 196 ~ Thursday, July 16

Jim had one day off between jobs.

He worked on fixing the tractor which had mysteriously stopped working Tuesday night.

He discovered there had been water in the fuel we added Tuesday night. He drained the water and changed the oil - maybe other things, as well, but that is all I know he did.

Day 195 ~ Wednesday, July 15

I spent the day with Kathryn.....mostly distracting her from the dizziness and nausea that has increased here at the end of her pregnancy.

She put Seth on her back, African style, while she cleaned the fridge.

Jim was finished his latest job and called to tell us what time he'd be in Wetaskiwin. He suggested we go out for supper. Vinj and Kath offered to join us.
Here you see Vinj and Kath's reaction when Jim walked in.......

And after supper, Andrew's reaction when he walked up......

Here is what they were reacting to......

The new clean-shaven Jim.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 194 ~ Tuesday, July 14

Andrew McKay's birthday.

Kind of a strange place to sit and visit, but......

Again....a strange place to visit. Some of Andrew's friends came out for supper and cake. Above - Brannon Johnson. Below - Mike Whiteside and his girlfriend and Danny (I don't know his last name). Looks like Andrew is telling Thor to sit.

I couldn't find candles so Auntie Mel improvised with her lighter.

Kaden was very tired by the time they went home. He snuggled for awhile with Uncle Andrew while his mom and dad got their car packed up.

A fun evening, celebrating the life of one we love very much.